Looking Back and Moving Forward


As we’re nearing out of lockdown, our moods have been lifting along with the improvements in the weather. Now that there’s a lightness in the air and in our steps, we’ve been taking some time to reflect on the challenges we faced as a team, as individuals and as a business during the incredibly tough year we’ve all had. We posted about many of the challenges we faced at the turn of the New Year so we’d like to share some of the positivity that shone through in what many have felt as quite bleak times during this experience.

As a small business we don’t often get time to take a step back and strategise about the direction of where we’re going as much as we’d like. The time and space we had during the first lockdown allowed us to recalibrate and get some perspective on what we’re doing and most importantly how we’re doing it. We make a contribution to our community with the services we provide and we wanted to continue to help our customers and their dogs when we couldn’t physically be there for them. As such we offered Virtual Consultations to help those in need of some advice when combing and trimming their own dogs. BBC Scotland contacted us to share our experience and we made a video to demonstrate our efforts. We had a lot of fun making it and a huge thank you to Rose and Nori for being such willing participants.

Finally we started building our online store and its gone from strength to strength as more products have been added. We’re now shipping all over the UK and are kept busy sending out toys, treats and more everyday. We’ve upgraded our checkout system on the website to make it faster and easier to use and have also upgraded our packaging with all online orders. Order something today and find out for yourself exactly what we mean.

We sought to expand our premises in Cumbernauld before the pandemic hit but the offer fell through and whilst at the time it seemed like a setback we’re honesty glad it happened. Taking on new premises wouldn’t have been financially viable due to the uncertainty of this whole period but we’re hopeful good things are on the horizon for us and our small business and our even bigger dreams.

Lastly but most importantly our team has shown time and time again their willingness to adapt to change and have each demonstrated a huge amount of resilience and determination to continue to provide a valuable service under strict safety protocols to the best of their abilities.


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