Q: I want to learn to be a professional dog groomer, is your course suitable?
A: That is exactly what we do. At our dog grooming school in Cumbernauld, Glasgow we run a number of dog grooming training courses. Our courses are structured to provide the practical hands-on training for those wishing to enter the field of dog grooming as a professional dog groomer.

Q: Will I become an expert?
A: As with all dog grooming courses we will give you a solid foundation to build from to begin your career in dog grooming. Remember that practice makes perfect. Becoming an expert overnight or in just 6 weeks isn't likely. You are going to have to put a lot of work and dedication into becoming an expert at anything. Our aim is to provide you with the basic skills required to start on your own. The best way to progress faster is by doing the following:

Studying - by reading books, watching videos, attending seminars and training programs and learning from other experts within the field. Practicing actually doing what you are learning is one of the most important ways to learn. This will take lots of hours but the upside is that if you have truly found your passion then learning and becoming an expert will be fun and exciting.

Q: When I start up for myself, how many dogs will I be able to groom each day?
A: Initially, we recommend that our students aim to book in 2 or 3 dogs each day, depending on the breed, complexity of the groom and anticipated condition of the coat. This should allow new starters to be able to generate enough revenue to run your business and to draw a modest wage. In time, with experience, the number of dogs groomed each day should increase depending on breeds. 

Q: Will I be able to competently groom dogs when I’ve finished?
A: Our aim is to equip you to turn each dog that you groom into a smart example of it’s breed (in a breed-specific style), in an efficient time, at a fair cost to your customer and without any undue stress or discomfort on the dog. You should be equipped with these grooming skills when you complete your course. 

Q: Will I be able to grow my Grooming Business?
A: With a gradual increase in bookings, reflective of your increased experience and competence, daily appointments should be able to be increased without letting your standards fall due to overbooking.

Q: Do you offer Dog Grooming Taster Days?
A: We advise a taster day before you book a longer course. The taster day is not compulsory, but you would have to be very sure that grooming is the career for you and Underdog is the Training School for you as course fees are non-refundable.

Q: I think I can groom more dogs in a day than you suggest, should I do it?
A: You will be much better to concentrate on turning out 3 well-groomed dogs per day than to create 6 ‘rush jobs’. You should aim for a quality result, which will enhance your reputation and ensure repeat bookings, or you can expect your business to suffer as a result of poor workmanship. Remember that each dog that leaves your salon is a walking advertisement for your dog grooming business. 

Q: What happens if I take longer than usual to learn some of the things?
A: Our team will carefully monitor each student’s progress through our dog grooming courses. Until you are confident and able to work to an acceptable standard, we will take the necessary time to help you progress through the course syllabus.

Q: Am I too young/too old for your course?
A: We have trained many people to a competent level starting from young people who have recently left school and wish to embark on a career in dog grooming, to mature students who may have taken early retirement or opted for a career change and decided to start dog grooming in their later years. There are no applicable age limits, and no restrictions by previous abilities or otherwise.

Q: How many dogs will I actually be grooming during the course? 
A: Throughout the dog grooming training course we aim to give you hands-on experience on one or two dogs each day. Depending on breed, complexity of the cut and your progress on the training course, this will mean that some days you may only groom one dog, other days you may have experience with 2 or more dogs.

Q: Will I be offered advice on setting up a dog grooming business?
A: We can advise all of our students on setting up and running a dog grooming business. We have experienced staff who can give advice relating to location, premises, equipment, funding, advertising, competition, staff, cash-flow, overheads and other items that will become a necessary part of running your business. This advice is given specific to your own business aspirations; however, we do recommend consulting your accountant and/or bank with specific regards to finance and running your business.

Q: Should I complete the course in one consistent block?
A: Completing the entire course in one uninterrupted run is best. There is a 6 week time limit in which the course must be completed. 

Q: Will I be supplied with equipment? 
A: Students are supplied with an Underdog Training manual when they begin their course. We ask that students bring a pen and Notepad with them to take notes. Longer courses (all those except a taster day) require a basic grooming kit. An equipment list will be supplied prior to commencing your course.

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